Terms and conditions

Copyright/Trademark Ownership:-

The information in this site is protected by copyright. You may only use the information, text or graphics contained in this site for your personal use and may not reproduce, adapt or publish it, in whole or in part, for any purpose without the express written consent of KFL. KFL names and logos are trademarks of KFL. The KFL logos may not be used, downloaded, copied or distributed in any way.


No Representation or Warranty:-

KFL reserves the right to modify the information contained on this site at any time without notice. While KFL makes all reasonable efforts to ensure that all material on this site is correct, accuracy cannot be guaranteed and KFL does not assume any responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or authenticity of any information contained on this site. This site and all information and materials contained herein, is provided to you “as is” without warranty of any kind.


Hypertext Links to External Sites:-

This site may contain hypertext links to other World Wide Web sites, which are completely independent of this site. KFL makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or authenticity of the information contained in any such hypertext link, and any hypertext link to another person or entity shall not in any manner be construed as endorsement by KFL of such person’s or entity’s World Wide Web site, products or services. Your linking to any other off-site pages or other sites is at your own risk.


Guidelines for External Sites Linking to kalyaniforge.co.in:-

If you would like to link to kalyaniforge.co.in, please read and comply with the following guidelines and all applicable laws.


External Site Naming Guidelines- Third parties may not use a brand, product name or other confusingly similar word or group of letters in a domain name (similar to the brand names, trademarks and/or trade names of KFL) without prior written KFL approval. Domain names for enthusiast sites should use the “.org” suffix.


External Site Use of KFL Information- Third-party sites must have prior written approval before using any text, trademarks, graphics or photographs from any KFL source, such as Web sites or brochures. Third-party sites may use brand or model names in site texts only to the extent necessary to describe KFL products. Any other use of KFL brand names or any use of KFL logos, trademarks, service marks, model names or service names is expressly not allowed. Also not allowed is the use of text or any other material in any way that implies sponsorship, approval of or affiliation with KFL.


No Misrepresentation- Third-party sites must not in any way imply that KFL is endorsing it or its products or services; must not misrepresent its relationship with KFL; must not present false information about KFL; must not be a site that infringes any intellectual property or other right of any person or that otherwise does not comply with all relevant laws and regulations; and must not be a site that contains content that could be construed as distasteful, offensive or controversial.


Linking to kalyaniforge.co.in- Third-party sites may not use links to kalyaniforge.co.in in any way that implies sponsorship or affiliation. Furthermore, when linking to kalyaniforge.co.in, that site may not appear as a frame within the site that provides the link or appear in any way that makes the destination site appear to be content belonging to the site containing the link.